Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tip and Quote of the Week: The Importance of Names

I got this picture here.
The Importance of Character Names

Character names are just as important as coming up with a great title for your script.

They need to be unique both to other scripts, and unique from each other WITHIN your script.

This last point is important because you don't ever want a character's name to be similar to another's within your own script. So don't re-use names that start with the same letter, or end with the same sound (see: "Sam" and "Steve" or "Jenny" and "Benny"), etc.

"What’s in a name? That which we call a rose
 by any other name would smell as sweet."
- William Shakespeare, 
"Romeo and Juliet"

A former Hollywood Lit Manager, Michael Ferris started ScriptAWish.com as a way to help other writers get their foot in the door and has helped several writers sell their scripts (like Travis Beacham of PACIFIC RIM) and set up projects with producers like Academy Award Winner Arnold Kopelson. The mission of ScriptAWish.com is to help aspiring writers get their scripts into shape and then get their foot in the door. His new venture is a collaboration with several professional screenwriters called StudioGhostwriters.com and is intended to help producers get their movie ideas on paper or their drafts polished for production.

lol I got this picture here.

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